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Key Activity 2: Languages
The advancement of knowledge of languages has to be the primary goal of any union such as the European Union. Only when the citizens of the 27 member countries can understand each other, can the idea of the EU live and grow. For this reason, the EU has always preferentially promoted language education and held it to be an elementary component of any educational program.
Knowledge of a language is promoted in almost all of the sub programs of the Program for Life Long Learning, e.g, Grundvtig, Leonardo, Erasmus, and Comenius. For any projects where all the target audiences are completely absorbed in the acquisition of language, the EU has created a new promotional program: Key Activity 2: transversal program.
A workforce with a knowledge of languages and intercultural competence has a decidedly significant impact on economic growth and better employment opportunities as they allow European companies to operate more competitively in the global market. Multilingualism also leads to individual personal development. As it opens ones eyes to the value of the beliefs and manners of others, multilingualism strengthens social cohesion and promotes intercultural dialogue.
For the preceding reasons the EU sponsors various projects, e.g, networks, multilateral projects or campaigns, that create new approaches for the presentation of foreign languages. Iberika has been engaged in this program since the beginning. We have taken part in the development of innovative learning concepts: the intercultural learning calendar INCA for children and the implementation of Theater as a Method in Language Classes.