INCA - Intercultural Calendar for Early Multilingual Learning
Key Activity 2: Languages
Project number: 135560-GR-2007-KA2-KA2MP
Running time: October 2007 to September 2009
Learning a foreign language is particularly easy for preschool aged children. Anyone who speaks a foreign language doesn’t just have an easier time finding a job, the whole world becomes their home as well. Because of this the EU Commission promotes the early acquisition of foreign languages through campaigns such as Piccolingo, a network of projects and institutions from all over Europe engaged in the early acquisition of languages.
One of the projects sponsored by the EU Commission to this end is INCA. This learning packet is intended for implementation in kindergartens and primary schools. However, it could also be successfully used by parents who would like to promote language learning at home. It consists of a DVD with 60 short films and two textbooks with games, exercises and handicraft ideas.
The DVD has seven different language versions that each make up a complete children’s language course: German, English, French, Spanish, Greek, Czech, and Estonian! The DVD is comprised of 60 short 3D animated films. In each the typical customs and traditions from Germany, Scotland, Spain, France, the Czech Republic, Greece, and Estonia are portrayed. In addition, each custom or tradition is accompanied by appropriate language exercises and vocabulary lists.
Both textbooks contain additional material for the seven language courses. In the first book there are ideas and instructions for how parents and teachers can best use the material. The second book contains games, drawing and handicraft activities. All of which are designed to make learning a language a fun game.
Within Germany this material is sold exclusively by Iberika Sprachschule for the introductory price of 9,90 Euro (including shipping and tax). To order please contact us:
We would be happy to present our material in kindergartens and primary schools.