ESEDI - European Language Stage

Key Activity 2: Languages
Project number: 511451-2010-LLP-ES-KA2-KA2MP
Running Time: January 2011 to December 2012
The ESEDI project is based on a wonderful and creative idea: the desire to incorporate theater as a learning approach in language classes. The schools taking part in the project are from Spain, France, Germany, Bulgaria and Romania. All of the participating schools specialize in teaching Spanish as a foreign language. All the project partners are very excited about the challenge of trying theater as a teaching method.
The goal of the project is to develop a theater piece together with Spanish students who have difficulties learning the language or are suffering from demotivation. The piece is bilingual (in our case German and Spanish). The plot is told by two Spanish commissars who are solving a criminal case which takes place in several European countries. Each of the participating countries will stage one act of the play following the story of the two commissars.
Theater is an entirely new outlet for language tuition. A group with varying ability levels in Spanish will work on a theater piece together. They will make costumes and props, memorize dialogues, sing songs, have a lot of fun together and, most importantly, they will learn Spanish without even noticing!
The German-Spanish theater production has been performed in the summer of 2012 (29.08.2012) in Berlin. If you are interested in learning more about the project please contact us: