Digital Pedagogy Cookbook
Digital Pedagogy Cookbook
Technology is fundamentally changing how we teach and learn, amking it more engaging but also challenging. Educators are facing more challenges in regards to the increasing importance of technology in education and the impact this has on teaching and learning. Digital Pedagogy shifts the focus from ICT tools and skills to a mode of working in the digital world. The EU Joint Research Council has recently produced a Policy Report on a European Framework for the Digical Comptences of Educators (DigiCompEdu). This report is intended as a reference framework tool for the implementation of regional and national tools and training programs. Since computer technologies entered the educational domain, a number of metaphors have been introduced in literature to explain this newly emerged phenomenon to educators. One metaphor is baed on food preparation and learning how to competently cook. It is analogous to understanding how digital pedagogy - also the process, design and tecahing - facilitates learning about teaching through the use of digital tools and methods.
The project reponds to the aims of Strategic Partnernships under Erasmus+ insofar as it focuses on the improvement of educational practices for the target groups: "Improving and extending the supply of high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of individual low-skilled or low-qualified adults so that they enhance digital comptences" and "Extending and developing educators' competences, particularly in effective teaching of literacy, numeracy, and digital skills to low-skilled or low-qualified adults with the use of ICT."
The Goals of the Project
- To build upon and extend the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigiCompEdu)
- To provide all the theoretical and practical information needed by educators in order to understand digital pedagogy, improve their digital competences, create, evaluation and share their own digital recipes according to the European Digital Competence Frameworks for Citizens and Educators
- To promote the use of cooking/recipe metaphors for digital pedagogy by providing comprehensive and above all a practice driven guide.
- To empower and support educators to strengthen their performance through the development of an online community of practice where educators can effectively access, share and create knowledge, as well as strengthen their commitment to the profession.
- To determine whether the Intellectual Outcomes of the project are transferable to other education sectors, specifically in VET and to make recommendations and amendments if relevant.
- To support informal learning and professional development for educators.
The project will allow educators to apply digital pedagogy and transform their teaching and learning with rich, diverse and flexible learning opportunities. This will be achieved by providing a comprehensive and practical guide using the recipes metaphor and establishing a Community of Practice.
The main outcomes of the project are:
- Toolkit for Educators as a guide to applying digital pedagogy using the recipes metaphor.
- A Digital Pedagogy Cookbook with recipes to be used by educators focusing on for areas of the European Framework for Digital COmptence of Educators: Digital Resources, Teaching and Learning, Assessment and Empowering Learners.
- An online Community of Practice for educators and educational planners about digital pedagogy with the aim of creating value for educators in different levels.
- A report with recommendations for the applicability and transference of the outcomes to the VET.
2nd Short-term joint staff training event 9-11 December 2020
Last week we had the pleasure of taking part in an online training for our Digital Pedagogy Cookbook project, which aims to introduce digital pedagogy to educators using the metaphor of the recipe and to make a significant contribution to the improvement of educators' skills.
The training, which lasted three days with teachers from different parts of Europe addressed issues such as the framework for digital competences of educators, main inspiration for the creation of the toolkit for educators. Focused on 4 different areas, the DigCompEdu framework allows reflection on the existing tools for the digital competence of educators and synthesizes them into a coherent model that would allow educators at all levels of education to assess and develop their digital pedagogical competence in a comprehensive way, also considering the competences of the students.
On day 2, the existing online catalog was presented on the project's official website ( along with the template in which a recipe is published. The goal of this was to let our teachers put their knowledge and experience in practice and give them the chance to create a new recipe step by step through the use of one technological tool in education according to the European digital competence frameworks for citizens and educators.
The recipes created as a result of this exercise are going to be published on the website of the project and be available to everyone soon.
On the third day we discussed how to keep this project going when funding officially ends. We discussed what elements should be promoted to keep our community alive, considering the active community that already exists on Facebook and how to encourage that community to create their own recipes and grow our digital pedagogy cookbook! Join the Community of Teachers here: number: 2018-1-EL01-KA204-047775